Jonathan Reed

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Jonathon Reed, also supoosedly known by other names, is a former child psychologist, public speaker, experiencer, and contactee who is known for his alleged initial encounter with a nonhuman intelligent being (NHIB) and subsequent activities. He photographed and videotaped an alleged live NHIB and its craft at close range. He stored it in his freezer at home and made further video of the alien at home.Template:Experiencer As a result of the incident, he produced a video shot in the forest immediately after the incident, a video of the obelisk, an audio recording of Fred, an examination video of Fred, a photograph of Fred’s face, and other evidence.== Background ==Reed went for a walk in the woods.== Initial Encounter ==Main article: Jonathon Reed forest encounter Reed and the alien and Reed's dog somehow got into an altercation.== Immediate Aftermath ==Reed experienced nausea, panic, intense dissociation, and created photos and videos. He also used a thermal blanket, picked up the link bracelet, and experienced int disassociation.== Later ==In the first day and the next several days, he invited his best friend Gary over and made other calls. Attempts to contact MUFON were allegedly intercepted and misdirected to agents or imposters. He reported encounters with Men in black. == Homeless Period ==Reed claimed he was homeless for about a year or so starting within weeks after the incident. During this time as well as subsequently after his first public interviews, Reed allegedly was a target of harassment by agents. He also alleged that several of his associates were allegedly murdered or coerced into silence. == Meeting Sympathizers and Helpers ==Reed was interviewed on Art Bell in 1998.==More stability==In interviews, Reed has spoken about the alleged murders and harassment of his sympathizers and helpers. He has also spoken about his alleged shooting and live television demonstration of the link bracelet.

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