History of terrestrial human use of electromagnetogravitics
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The History of terrestrial human use of electromagnetogravitics explores claims of human development and application of electromagnetogravitics technologies, notably in secret or classified projects. The subject combines elements of fringe science with conspiracy theories regarding advanced technological capabilities being withheld from the public.
Early Theories
Early 20th-century scientists, such as Nikola Tesla, began exploring the potential connections between electromagnetism and gravity. These explorations laid the groundwork for what would later be termed electromagnetogravitics.
Alleged Development Programs
The mid-20th century saw claimed advancements in electromagnetogravitics as part of military and industrial projects:
Conspiracy Theories
There are persistent beliefs that significant breakthroughs in electromagnetogravitics have been achieved but are concealed for military strategic advantages or economic benefits. These theories often tie into larger UFO and extraterrestrial narratives.